
EIGO GESTIÓN DE OBRAS S.L. is a group of professionals with extensive building experience in Spain, in industrial, logistics and service sectors. We can plan, manage and carry out your construction project with resolve and efficiency.


EIGO GESTIÓN DE OBRAS S.L. aims to be a well-established company on a national level, in construction for industrial, logistics and service sectors. We aim to continue working together as a team so we can plan, manage and develop construction projects with resolve and efficiency. We strive to seek out new market niches within the construction sector and offer added value.

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    Customer consolidation

    We are committed to our clients and respond quickly to their needs, optimising costs and project completion-times while excelling in customer care and professionalism.

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    Quality in project-execution

    “Our strategic plan is to do things well.

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    Committed to the environment

    We are committed to respecting the environment, the prevention of pollution and the responsible use of resources through BREEAM, LEED and ISO14001 certifications and analysing the carbon footprint associated with our activities.

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    Maintaining human capital

    People are a foundational pillar in the continued improvement of our company, which is why we cultivate our employees’ talent so that they can develop both professionally & personally.

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    Consolidating supplier/creditor relationships

    Maintaining solid and continuing working relationships with other companies allows us to grow as a business and to provide our clients with added value.

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    Committed to CSR

    With our CSR policies, we offer the same opportunities and professional development to all our staff.

    Equality results from growth.

EIGO GESTIÓN DE OBRAS SL values Quality, commitment to the environment, and health and safety as basic tenets of its Policy and so commits to establishing and developing a Management System in accordance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, whose fundamental principles are:

Knowing everything about our field: EIGO ensures compliance with all requirements related to our services, including legal and regulatory ones.

Listening to the client and all parties involved: We identify the needs of our clients and all parties involved in order to adapt our work to their needs and make sure they are satisfied.

Our main objective: To maintain the highest quality of service through investment in human and material resources.

“Human Capital” gives us the most potential. Personnel management based on engagement, participation and continuous professional training.

Continuous improvements in our results: We adopt a process-based approach in order to continuously better our results and ensure efficiency in their management.

Being committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and the deterioration of health.

Commitment to active listening to foster the consultation and participation of workers, as well as other parties involved.

Being committed to the environment, the prevention of pollution and a range of environmental obligations, and using tools to identify, describe, assess and lessen the real and potential environmental impact our activities may have.

We intend to contribute to environmental conservation by promoting the sound use of natural and energy resources, as well as sensible waste reuse, minimisation and disposal, thereby reducing our environmental impact.

Raising awareness among EIGO staff and training them so they develop good environmental and health-and-safety practices, and so we are able to impart these ideas to the society and environment within which we work.

The managing director of EIGO is committed to the above principles and for this reason undertakes to:

  • Know our guiding purpose as a company and the context in which we exist, in order to define coherent objectives, ensure their achievement, reach our mission goals and realise our vision in the most optimal way possible.
  • Provide all the necessary means within his reach to guarantee goal-completion and sustainable development tailored to all parties involved.
  • Make sure that all EIGO activities and are conducted in accordance with relevant norms, regulations and legal requirements, often going that extra mile to ensure success.
  • Produce evidence for the continuous improvement of our Management system, through annual management evaluations, which will allow us to review and establish new objectives and goals.

These principles in our Management Policy are known and understood by all our staff, to whom they have been clearly communicated. They are also available to our stakeholders and the general public.

These policies are detailed in the documents pertaining to our Management System


April 2021

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